I went to Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany and it was so much fun! We slept in a tent that we rented (I guess) for the 2 nights. When we got to the site the girl in charge of checking us in said we could have unlimited beer at the campsite all weekend for 10 Euro. So, needless to say everyone there was there to party and have a good time. I could never tell if it was night or day because people were always awake lol. The festival itself was so neat! It was different than the Oregon Brewfest (don't judge it's the only point of reference I had before going). The beer halls are actual halls/buildings. You aren't in makeshift tents. There are live bands singing all kinds of fun German drinking songs as well as fun American songs. Everyone is drunk and therefore very friendly and happy. I met people from all over the world, shared stories, drank, laughed, pretended I spoke Spanish, and almost missed my flight home :) It was quite the adventure and I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about going.
School has been gong pretty well the kids are starting to get all of the routines down and I'm able to have a little more fun with them. They are adorable and can usually make me laugh just when I think I can't take anymore. On Thursday I got to school and there were kids coming out of my room when I was bringing up the class in the morning. At first I was like what are you doing you know the rules blah blah then they handed me roses. I was like umm wow thanks what are these for? And they responded "It's your day" I'm like ok... and the girls were like "you know your teacher day". It was Teacher Appreciation Day in Poland! It was such a nice surprise and my kids were so cute about it. I am actually REALLY excited about school next week. This is a run down of the week: Monday-assembly for UN Week, Tuesday-a goodbye party for one of my students leaving (who I love, but still a party) :(, Wednesday-A birthday party, Thursday-Field Trip!, Friday-1/2 day and an assembly and then I LEAVE FOR BARCELONA!!!!!! And just to put perspective on things. Birthday parties are a huge deal here. Parents bring full lunches for every student in the class, the other kids all bring presents to school, the thing takes a minimum of one hour. It's very fun!
Here is the run down of the next 3 weeks for me:
Next week: Barcelona, Spain for 8 days
The next week: A bunch of the staff is going to hike the Table Mountains. It looks amazing here is a link to see it:
http://www.skaly-adrspach.cz/en/The next week: 3 days of teaching and then off to Scotland for 4 days!!
I'm seriously so excited about all of the trips coming up! I feel like every weekend is a vacation :)